updated by Phil Dixon Oct 2009 -list of channels contains all changes (edited file marker.m line 114) - you can reload marker data using "reload marker" updated by Phil Dixon March 2010 - you can load bones by clicking 'load bones' instead of using quick open - quick open has been removed from GUI - you can select to load a 'lower-limb' or 'full' plugin gait model updated by Phil Dixon December 2010 - you can now plot any channel you want as long as it is a n x 1 channel - vector analysis has been added to view LCS rotations and graphs - other menu bar updates updated by Phil Dixon May 2011 - added new menu items for control of background color and axis gridlines - modified vector analysis representation Updated by Phil Dixon Oct 2011 - added delete current object to director menu - functionality with mac attempted. Further work is needed Updated by Phil Dixon Feb 2012 - can plot events on side graph see function marker lines 139 - 175 Updated by Phil Dixon Jan 2013 - finally (after 4 years) can be run on MAC OSX platform. (edited 'partitionfile.m')